AEffective Technical Manual Translations You Can Trust

Technical manuals are an important feature of our translation products. These manuals provide specific instructions for product usage that contain warnings, technical details, and governmental information for the client. Many of these manuals can be very detailed in nature, as well as being very simple in their requirements. Some of our manuals at Boston Translations are meant for engineers in a variety of industry sectors. With over 12 years of experience in creating these manuals, we have translated more than 3,000 manuals for different software products and services in the industry. No matter the great length or brevity of a manual, we have spent many years deciphering the many linguistic variables needed to provide an accurate and viable translation service.

technical user manual translation services Boston

Check Out Our Industry Specific Manual Services

Industrial Icon

Industrial Manufacturing Technical Manuals

Heavy Machinery Icon

Heavy Machinery Manufacturing Technical Manuals

Employee Handbook Icon

Employee Handbook and Human Resources Documentation

The Benefits You Can Gain with Boston Translations

The Fulfillment of Deadlines – Meeting deadlines is an important aspect of client satisfaction. Our products are not considered to be completed until a manual is provided. When you place an order, we will always ensure that your manual is delivered to you in a timely manner.

Quality Control Standards – The client can always trust that your translation(s) will be guided by the ISO 17100 certification process. We also utilize a secondary translator to ensure that all translations are complete.

Experiential Project Management – The use of technical manuals is crucial for any industrial product. Over the years, we have built a strong technical background for overcoming technical barriers in the creation of high quality technical manuals.

Technical Manual Translation Solutions

Best Technical Manual Translation Solutions – Our technical translation services focus only on the translation of the primary text in the document. After this process, the client is then responsible for utilizing an internal publishing firm to improve the translated document.

Translation: Desktop Publishing – We provide an important service for technical manuals that include graphics, charts, and other technical aspects of translation services. With years of experience in the use of FrameMaker, Adobe InDesign, Microsoft Publisher, we can handle any programming methodology that is utilized in the translation process.

Multi-Lingual Technical Manuals – This translation service provides a way for the client to sell a product within multiple linguistic domains. Boston Translation’s primary clientele often have their product manuals translated into multiple languages, which can increase their market accessibility on a global scale. These language groupings also provide numerous cost saving opportunities for the client. Please contact our service representatives for more details.

Providing an Exceptional Product: Key Components

Industry Specific Translators – All of our translators have a specific area of translating that will cater to individual needs. Boston Translation will ensure that all of our translators are vetted to meet the highest standards of any particular industry sector.

The Team Orientated Experience – Boston Translation also ensures that all of our projects maintain a checks and balances system that is collective in nature. Certainly, you will be dealing with an individual translator in specific cases, yet we always work as a team to utilize oversight for all of our projects.

The Process of Translation – Our translators always a very strict set of protocols for our translations. We have seen great success over the past 12 years by providing over 3,000 manuals for our clients.

Please contact us! Our account managers are always available to discuss your specific translation needs. We can provide translation services in over 200 languages and dialects, so you can rest assured that you will be in good hands!

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